Community Awards

"In a society where we are always expected to know what we are doing, it is hard to say 'I need help with something.' But when we embrace our vulnerabilities and limits, and say 'I need help', that is when we form community." 

Thank you for helping us. Your contributions make you a permanent part of our community, regardless of where you plant your feet.

Neighbourhood Spirit Awards

Annually, we recognize an individual, group, or business that has gone above and beyond in showing their Neighbourhood Spirit in the past year. Some may contribute in small ways over the whole year, while others contribute in a big way for a short period of time. Both are generous gifts that help to build community in our area. We are grateful and humbled by the people and businesses who continue to share their community spirit with us.

2024 - Dr. Robert Agostinis is a founding member of our community league, a devoted volunteer, former board member, and past-president of our organization, he has been a constant pillar of community in Southwest Edmonton. With a gift for dreaming big, he motivates people to jump aboard in growing their neighbourhood.  

2023 - Dr. Ingrid Crowther is a past community league board member, and a community advocate for child & family wellness, education and engagement with the parks & natural world around us. Check out our presentation video:

2020 - Bill Bromling is a former community league board member, and long time community volunteer who remains very active in and around his community. Bill continues to help with projects around the community.

2019 - Lydia & Gene Emanuel have been consistent community volunteers who are often seen side by side at volunteer events or community fundraisers

2018 - Karen Sheydwasser, is a devoted community volunteer, most recently assisting to support kids activities at our Winter Festival, fundraisers, and music events.

2017 - Lynn Shroder & Susan de Beurs  are small business owners of Lil Johns Sign Shop, who have supported our community league over the years. They have helped us grow our communications and engagement with community members. 

2016 - Arlene & Gary McLosskey are small business owners of Second Cup in Terwillegar Rec Centre and continue to show generosity and support for our community. They have donated time, energy (and coffee!) to many a community initiative.

2015 - Laurie & Albert Stol are small business owners of Papa Murphy's Pizza in Riverbend Square, who have generously supported many of our community events in kind and in pizza. We are grateful for their community spirit.

2012 - ATB Financial, Rabbit Hill Road Branch is a strong supporter of our community league, both financially and operationally, their staff and leaders take community to another level. 

Honourary Lifetime Member Awards

Individuals who have provided consistent service to the league for more than 10 years or who have made a significant, positive contribution to the league can be nominated to receive a special status as Honourary Lifetime Member. Thank you to the following recipients of this honour, for your enduring devotion and consistent commitment to our society & neighbours. 

2021 - Dr. Robert Agostinis is one of a group of community members who helped to found the Oak Hills Community League in 2009. He has also been consistently active in the community on projects such as the Terwillegar Rec Centre, and through his work with the Terwillegar Riverbend Advisory Council (TRAC) as President. Rob's energy and vision continue to be a guiding compass for our vibrant, active community.

2021 - Tariq Chaudary is also a 2009 founding member of OHCL, contributing as Treasurer and many roles since, including recently our Civics Director, Social Director, and TRAC Ambassador. He is a strong voice of reason and brings a wealth of experience to the board nationally and from various political spheres. He continues to  show commitment in supporting community events &  fundraisers. Tariq has been the lead on several civic related committees, most recently StreetLabs, bringing improved safety and awareness to our community. 

2021 -  Sandra Boyes is one of OHCL's first official 2009 board members, joining as Secretary. She has been the consistent and irreplaceable mortar holding the structure of our league together. Most notably, she keeps our meetings, grants and casino funding flowing to ensure all our programs and projects are funded with our community's valuable resources. Her  organizational skills,  gifts of time and energy, and long term commitment are the reason we as a society are able to achieve so much each and every year.

2021 - Mike Boychuk was OHCL's first official Sports Director in 2009. He has fulfilled many roles, and is currently  President of our society, and the champion of our 2024 Community Hub project. He is passionate about community engagement, neighbourliness and community values. He is one often seen working shoulder to shoulder at events with neighbours, painting fences, or braving the cold for winter sports like x-country skiing.